Routine Services


Routine Surgeries

Routine Exam
Heartworm Test
Nail Trim
Anal Gland Expression
Roundworm Deworming
Tapeworm Deworming


Dog Spay
Dog Neuter
Cat Spay
Cat Neuter



Included in the routine surgery prices:  Pre-op exam, general anesthesia, the surgical procedure, a 24 hour pain injection, 24 hour antibiotic injection, and a course of pain medicine to go home.

Not included are the optional services:  IV Catheter ($95), bloodwork ($190-280), Buster Collar ($35). If your pet is older or has any health issues, we more strongly recommend that you opt in for the catheter and bloodwork. Also, if you don’t put a buster collar (“the cone”) on your pet during the recovery period, there is a real chance that they will lick or chew out their stitches.

Dental Cleaning: $700

Included in the dental cleaning price: Pre-op exam, IV catheter, general anesthesia, dental probing and scaling (cleaning), a 24-hour pain injection and a 24-hour antibiotic injection.

Not included are the optional services: Pre-op bloodwork ($190 to $280), go-home pain medicines ($45), dental x-rays ($310), and dental extractions. Dental extraction fees vary by tooth and extraction difficulty. Go-home pain medicines become necessary if there are extractions. Dental x-rays help to find problem teeth that might be missed with the naked eye.